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COVID Safe vs Contactless Sign In


Business Use


Business use

Other Contactless Sign In


Free per year



COVID Safe Registration?

For some types of businesses and organisations, it is mandatory to register as COVID Safe under the Public Health Orders.

These businesses are:

  • gyms
  • hospitality venues (restaurants, cafes, pubs, clubs, small bars, cellar doors, breweries, distilleries, karaoke bars and casinos) 
  • funeral homes and crematoria
  • places of public worship.

Other businesses and organisations are encouraged to register as COVID Safe to show their customers and visitors that they are keeping up the highest standards to prevent COVID-19 transmission.


  • Once setup, COVID Safe will take care the rest. 
  • You don’t need to keep the sign in records
  • Free


  • No control of sign in data
  • Customer need to install COVID Safe and provide person data to Government
Assist Setup COVID Safe (Free)
  • Assist COVID Safe Registration
  • QR Code will send by email

Private QR Signin

Paid per year


Paid Service

COVID Safe Registration?

For some types of businesses and organisations, it is mandatory to register as COVID Safe under the Public Health Orders.

These businesses are:

  • gyms
  • hospitality venues (restaurants, cafes, pubs, clubs, small bars, cellar doors, breweries, distilleries, karaoke bars and casinos) 
  • funeral homes and crematoria
  • places of public worship.

Other businesses and organisations are encouraged to register as COVID Safe to show their customers and visitors that they are keeping up the highest standards to prevent COVID-19 transmission.


  • Business need to keep all sign in records at lease 28 days
  • Business can keep all sign in records of your customers
  • The sign in process is tailor make for the business


  • Paid Service
  • Need to access records when need
Private QR Code Sign In Form
  • This subscription will provide a QR code and one online sign in form and send all registration entries every week.
  • For daily registrations less than 200 people, the subscription fee is $36 + GST per year.
  • For daily registration < 1000 people, the subscription fee is $120 + GST per year.